"Wholesale body lubricant" Business is old or young, and there is no relationship between the size of the "Wholesale body lubricant" business, but is determined by the following two factors: the flexibility and control. Flexibility is the decision of vitamin P, and controllability are vitamins A and I decided. Professor Ai Disi curve demonstrated by these two factors change at different stages of the cycle of "Wholesale body lubricant" enterprises. Strong growth companies the flexibility to pay attention to enhance controllability; prime to the aging period of strong "Wholesale body lubricant" corporate control, to improve flexibility, a little more entrepreneurial spirit, a little more than a new product.
It must be noted that the "Wholesale body lubricant" companies in which life stage, not to determine the length of time, nor to the size of the premise. On time, there are still many century-old "young", there are many "Wholesale body lubricant" companies have just created "senile"; terms of size, some of the world's leading giants still ranked vitality, and some small businesses have been sent into the intensive care unit. Determine the age of the enterprise scale, is flexibility and control of growth and decline. This is particularly worthy of Chinese growth companies learn from.
[This paper edited by "Wholesale body lubricant http://www.zhsextoy.com/products-detail.asp?cpid=122", please indicate the source !]