When we buy a "Brand Adult Product" product or make an investment, we often also used to reduce the risk of an incremental progressive way. Began just put a little bit of money, when you see the result of capital investment to generate and analyze the results, and then determine whether you need to continue to invest or give. Because we clearly know, after making the decision whether to give up on the front easily, but once into ruin which again whether to give up to make this difficult decision will be extremely fast "Brand Adult Product" product development process, we continue to make mistakes , or we were just only by constantly exposed and can make the problem increasingly clear. So let ideas flow implementation and landing must be a process of incremental commitment to achieve. Throughout the process, we continue to reduce the risk quantification and projects to improve the visibility of the entire project.
[This paper edited by "Brand Adult Product http://www.zhsextoy.com/products-detail.asp?cpid=287", please indicate the source !]