"Sex adult product factory" Strategy is a phased implementation plan with milestones . It explores the path problem , the concept of a battle map , that is how to achieve the goal, several steps to go, what to do first what to think clearly after , a good plan , and then step by step to implement . Strategy is not an illusory concept, not an exciting goal, but very practical , very realistic approach . So every one must have a clear strategic task of the responsible person , evaluation criteria, evaluation time , evaluation , etc. .
"Sex adult product factory" Strategy is designed for the competitors is to strengthen ourselves , to weaken the enemy. If even their competitors in the end is anyone not sure , how could design strategy ? You know, not the production of similar products business is competition , there is a clear prerequisite competitors target market concept. That "Sex adult product factory" company must first define their services for which some people , a small minority of their choice groups which then compete to see who is the target customer groups with their own, this is the real competitor. We can say that there is no concept of a small minority of "Sex adult product factory" companies is difficult to define who is a competitor .
[This paper edited by "Sex adult product factory", please indicate the source !]