Why can buy "Wholesale vibrator cock ring" in the general store in China? They feel strange, I do not know how to evaluate - China is undergoing sexual liberation? Chinese people Westernized? China entered the modern society? Or the Chinese people's moral depravity of? I think the reason they have this question, first of all because "Wholesale vibrator cock ring" sales in China and most Western countries. In them, supplies are generally concentrated in certain areas of the city, street. Pittsburgh when I go to school in the United States, the business district of the city has such a street, where there are adult bookstores, adult movie theaters, etc., to sell all kinds of supplies. It is said that once the business is thriving, the 1980s Republicans, conservative resurgence after the decline. This fact shows that sex "Wholesale vibrator cock ring" in the West with a certain political: When radical prevail, it is a status; while conservatives prevail, it is another position. Phrase popular feminist slogan (personal is political) that comes out of this.