"sex adult product factory" Famous Brand of course is the first recommendation, but most people do not know what is the brand name of articles, so not a good choice. Currently there are adult products on the domestic market following brands: Domestic Wenzhou "lovers", Liaoyang, "Tupper" Shenzhen "beauty product", Hong Kong Siu Pong Matheson "NMC", Hong Kong love Connaught AINO, U.S. Durex, United States CEN (California Exotic Novelties) "DOC · JOHNSON", as well as Sweden lelo, Sweden Pique friends picobong, Japan Nippori npc, Japan Okamoto, etc., but expensive brand-name products, especially international brands, the prices are in the thousands so, so do what you want to buy these products. \ Since "sex adult product factory" is a special commodity, so when buying "sex adult product factory" choose the best-known brands. Thus, whether from or on the quality of health and safety are guaranteed, especially in some barbed tape product category and beads encountered poor quality, easy to fall off during use, causing a lot of trouble.