"Sex adult product factory" Corporate culture is managed by a special department responsible for the management and organization of the system of "Sex adult product factory" corporate culture, "Sex adult product factory" corporate culture system from the inside out, the core concept layer, system layer, behavior layer, physical layer, four layers interact. Excellent corporate culture to form a virtuous cycle in these four areas. In most enterprises, the real "Sex adult product factory" corporate culture with the company hopes to form a corporate culture differ significantly, but for those outstanding companies, associated with the actual situation between the ideal "Sex adult product factory" corporate culture is very strong, they are the core of the "Sex adult product factory" company's guidelines to follow consistent corporate values, this philosophy is arguably the world's most respected companies is a major cornerstone of success.
[This paper edited by "Sex adult product factory http://www.zhsextoy.com/products-detail.asp?cpid=280", please indicate the source !]